
Saying sorry to myself

I did something wrong today.I called to McDonald's and asked them to school for lunch.On the gate of school.Ms Jia told me the students were forbidden call to the restaurant.I Knew I was wrong .Even my teeth(I have Braces) can't stand the lunch in school dried with stones.I should overcome the difficult and be a brave girl.I was miss 35 min in Canadian Studies.After the class.My dear Ms.Chan told me something about my mistakes and helped me to redefine my goal...
I think about the words of Ms Chan long time. I should say sorry to myself.I wasted the time for unmeaning things.It is not my goal.I should spend more time on study, not McDonald's!!!Seize this day!Begin now!Each day is a new life.Seize it.For in today already walks tomorrow.
Thank you ,my dear Ms Chan.You told me the most important principle of the life.You are not only my teacher,but also my best friend.

1 comment:

  1. Cristine,

    I am glad you realize your ability!

    You are an amazing student and I don't want you to lose your goal! You need to go to a good university!

    Your job right now is a student! The work you put in now will help you have a better future. If you don't work hard now, how can you expect the future to be different?

    You are very intelligent. You can really be amazing if you put your heart into it.
