
An Alliance with the Huron Empire

1. What is an alliance? What does this word mean?
Two or more countries build a friendly association and reachable agreement.

2. Why would Champlain want to form an alliance with the Huron?
Champlain went to Canada. He was an explorer; he did not know many details about Canada. He was dangerous. He got on well with Huron and they did the alliance. The Huron can help Champlain to know about Canada. It was important for Champlain. He must have a partner in Canada. The other reason: Champlain wanted to get more chances to make the fur trade with Huron. He helped Huron to against with the Iroquois.

3. This is a picture of Champlain and his Huron allies on the left fighting the Iroquois. This is one of the earliest images of Europeans and First Nations people interacting. a. Explain what you see in the picture in 3-5 sentences. Look carefully at the picture.
There are many Nation People in the picture. They stood in a forest. There were many trees in the forest. They were from different villages, they against with each other. They hold the arrow. The chief stood in front of the team. They had different formations. It showed their habits. On the other side which is on the back of one of the team, there was a circle place which looks like a small garden were made by many woods. There was a pond in the picture. The boats in the pond were array together. People were seemed to get something and fighting.

b. Do you think this is a realistic image of the situation? Explain why or why not in 5-8 sentences. Yes, I do. I think it is a realistic image of the situation. The Huron was near to the Iroquois. There were many Nation People in Canada. They had different regions. There were some conflicts between the different regions. They might be about business, regions or the food. They did not get on well with each other. They will against with each other. It is a realistic image of the situation.

4. The Huron had many economic advantages because of their geographic location and territory. They were located on the southern shore of Georgian Bay, where the fishing was excellent.
a. Find a map of GGeorgian Bay. Explain where this bay is.
The location of the bay is important. It is in the lake Huron. It is near to the Midland. There are many other lands surrounded it. The bay is also near to the lands of Canada.

b. Translate the word bay.
A bay is a large body of water forming an indentation of the shoreline, larger than a cove but smaller than a gulf.

5. Find a photograph of Georgian Bay that you like. Explain why you like it in 3-5 sentences. The vegetation of this region includes mixed forests, meadows, and fields. The sandy soil was perfect for planting corn, squash, pumpkins, and beans.
It showed Georgian Bay. The photograph is beautiful, the blue sky with the white clouds. The colors of the sky and the clouds were clear. The trees on the grass land. It looks like in autumn. There were many stones on the land. The river was not so far. The stones were surrounded by the grass. The trees fell to the other side. It seemed a wind day. I like the photo. It showed the nature of the Georgian Bay. When I saw the photo, I felt I seemed in the Photo. It made me have a enjoyable mood.

6. Take a look at this piece of Canadian Art called "Stormy Weather". The artist is Frederick Valley. He illustrated the stormy weather of Georgian Bay.
a. How do you feel when you see this painting? Explain in 5-8 sentences. Tell me why you feel that.
When I saw the picture, I found the color of the water were unmoral. The sky was not very well. There was a tree in the picture with the main location. I noticed the tree was not same as others. It looks like a pine tree with a little leaves. The pine tree was the evergreen tree. Maybe the tree had some troubles. I think pollution is the culprit. The pollution was very serious in the picture. I think the picture was took recently. I felt sad and angry with the environment. Human was not protect the environment. It is terrible.

7. This is a poem by A.J.M Smith. It was put together with this image on a past provincial exam.
a. When you read this poem, how do you feel about the Canadian landscape? Explain in 10-12 sentences. Think deep and be creative.
The Lonely LandA.J.M. Smith
Cedar and jagged fir
uplift sharp barbs
against the gray
and cloud-piled sky;
and in the bay
blown spume and win rift
and thin, bitter spray
at the whirling sky;
and the pine trees
lean one way.
A wild duck calls
to her mate,
and ragged
and passionate tones
stagger and fall,
and recover,
and stagger and fall,
on these stones -
are lost
in the lapping of water
on smooth, flat stones.
This is a beauty
of dissonance,
this resonance
of stony strand,
this smoky cry
curled over a black pine
like a broken
and wind-battered branch
when the wind
bends the tops of the pine
like a broken
and wind-battered branch
when the wind
bends the tops of the pines
and curdles the sky
from the north.
This is the beauty
of strength
broken by strength
and still strong
The poem describe the environment of a bay. The bay has a serious trouble. The author still remembers the beautiful feeling of the bay in the past. The reader was taken into the mood. The environment was worse than before. People should feel sad and self-condemned. Think about the bay before. It was a gift from the god. Every thing has become the past. The author expresses the trees, sky and the winds’ mood. The author thinks about the troubles of environment deeply. There was nothing more important than the environment's troubles. People must protect our earth. The pollution was the worst. We did not want to see the tragedy of the world. Each of us dedicate a little, the world will be better. NO POLLUTION!!!

8. What did you learn in this lesson? Explain in 5-8 sentences.
I learned about the some experiences about Champlain in Canada. I knew he get on well with Huron. They did the fur trade. They were the partner on business. Champlain formed the alliance with Huron. It was an important detail about Champlain's trip. I also knew the relationship between the Huron and Iroquois. It was bad. They can not get on well with each other. I felt the difference between the bay in the past and now. It was terrible now. The pollution is serious. I read a poem which showed the pollution of the bay. I think we must protect our environment.


After Port Royal - Champlain Continues

1. Find a map of the St. Lawrence River. Explain what you see in the picture in 3-5 sentences.
It was an old map. The color was brown and yellow, and the words were script. It was not type. There were 5 places on the map. The different area was written the key point. The St. Lawrence River was surrounded by the 7 places. The lines of St. Lawrence River were clear. The meridian and the latitude were also on the map. The latitude of the place was 44 degree. The land and the river are in different color. It was easy to know the river.

2. Find a photograph of the St. Lawrence River you like. Explain what you see in the picture in 3-5 sentences.
The picture shows the St. Lawrence River passed through a town. I like the style of the picture. It makes me have a good mood and feeling. In my imagine, people who live in the town walked around the St. Lawrence River everyday. The trees on the coast neared the river. People in the house can see the river when they opened the window. It was a wonderful feeling. The river improves the water people needed. The boat in the river was sailing. In the vanishing point of the river, the white house looks like on the river. The picture shows the landscape of the poetry. It was not very clear, but it made me have more space to imagine.

3. Why did Champlain choose to use a river for transportation? Explain in 3-5 sentences.
Champlain sailed for exploration. In the past, the transport was not very well. There were not many ways to transportation. Champlain transported many different things. Maybe the things were big. The river can help Champlain transport many things that he needed. Champlain chose the St. Lawrence River to transport. The map of the river was clear in that time. It was sure that he walked a right way. Choosing the river for transportation was good for Champlain.

4. Find a picture of Champlain's habitation at Quebec. Explain what you see in 5-8 sentences.
It looks like a newspaper or a page of a novel. Champlain's habitation was on the top of the picture. Under the habitation, the words introduce the habitation. The habitation was strong. The houses were connecting. There was a flag on every house. Each houses with 2 floors. The habitation is on the coast. The landscape was special and the weather; the habitation improved the landscape more beautiful. The garden was so large. There were many rooms for different people

5. The fort was a natural fort because Quebec had towering cliffs.
a. Find a picture of towering cliffs in Quebec. Search in Google using "Quebec and towering cliffs". b. Why are the cliffs a natural fort? Explain in 3-5 sentences.
It was a photo of towering cliffs in Quebec. There are not many people in there. The blue sky with the white clouds is on the top of the cliffs.

The dark blue lake is under the cliffs. The cliffs are green because of the plant. It looks no one cut them ever. The lake is without the other impurities. No noises here. The voice of the nature is dulcet. The nature was not built by people. There are not trail of people. The cliffs are a natural fort.

6. What did you learn today? Explain in 5-8 sentences.
I learned the information of St. Lawrence River. I knew the specifics and the trait of the river. It was a famous river to transportation. The river was used to transportation. I saw the landscape of the river. I found the reason of Champlain chose the St. Lawrence River to transportation. The river for transportation is fast and safety. I knew the background of the St. Lawrence River. I saw the picture of Champlain's habitation. I imagine Champlain's life in the Habitation. I studied more and it involves different areas. I like the lesson.
1. There is a moat around Champlain's habitation. Why is that important?
Champlain was an explorer. In that year, to be an explorer was difficult. The king was also proud of Champlain. Maybe there are some people envied Champlain. Champlain lived in the habitation, he must be safety. The moat can help Champlain to protect himself. The habitation with the moat will be more beautiful. Champlain will have more safe and free space.
2. Can you find a picture of a moat? Post it.


Samuel De Champlain at Port Royal in Nova Scotia

1. Why would Samuel de Champlain want to have a monopoly on the fur trade? Explain in 3-5 sentences. What does monopoly mean?
He wanted to colonize Canada. He must control the economic of Canada. He did the communications with Canadians. He found the fur in Canada. He thought making the fur trade with Canadians was a great way to control the economic of explorations. The fur in Canada was really perfect. The monopoly means something was belong to a person. The person controls something.

2. Why would the King want to set up French colonies in Canada? Explain in 3-5 sentences.
The King wanted to have more lands. It meant he can control more people. He was a governor of France. He must steady his government. He wanted to build a new government for his people. He can improve the economic of France. He made the communications with different countries. The king had more space to become a strong country. His political power will be develop.

3. Can you find two pictures of Port Royal, Nova Scotia today on the Internet? What does it look like? Explain each picture in 5-8 sentences what you see.
There are two people in the picture. They talked about the weather. They dressed the classic clothes. On the back, the house was built by the wood. The beer pail was near to the house. The houses were connected. The buildings were not very tall. The grass land was in front of the houses. The sky was blue. Port Royal was not polluted. The town is beautiful.

The sky was blue. the ocean had the same color with the sky. They connected. There were two houses in the picture. The re was a flag pole in the garden of the two houses. The way was long. It looked like pass to the other side of the town. A tree in the garden was green. Maybe it was summer. People lived in the house. The grass land was lush. The picture was perfect. It showed the tranquility of the town. The town was a holiday town.

Bonus1. Find 2 pictures of Nova Scotia you like. Explain why you like each of these pictures in 3-5 sentences.

I like the picture. It is a stamp of 1605. The houses of the town connected. The grass land surrounded the houses. The ocean pass through the land. The houses were near to the ocean. It was easy to live. The chimney was full of the atmospheres of life.


A sign of the town in a forest. The forest was full of the trees and the grasses. The flowers surrounded the sigh. The sign showed the town's information. It was a part of Canada. I like the picture's feeling. It was warm. When a person saw the sign, they felt the town was near and it was great.



Samuel De Champlain

1a. Find a picture of Samuel De Champlain. What does he look like? Explain the picture in 5-8 sentences.
He was Samuel De Champlain. He was anther famous explorer in France. In the picture, he was very young. He dressed the classic clothes of the knightliness. A white shirt with a dark waist coat. His hat was special. Some red plume on a black hat. He has long hair and the bread connected with the hair. He looked at the front thoughtfully, calmly and composedly. He held a pole which was a flag pole. He looks like an explorer as same as Jacques Cartier or an mariner or a . patriot Maybe he just make a pose for his portrait.

1b. Remember to answer 1a before you do this question. Who is he? What is his nationality? What is his background?

Samuel De Champlain was a French explorer, geographer and the governor of Quebec City. He also was the" Father of Transportation about North America" He dedicated the transportation especially the fur trade. On Mar 15 1603, He followed a team went to North America for the fur trade and he drew the map of Saint Lawrence River. On Sep 20, he came back to France. He joined the trip of Canada. He lived there 3 years and explored the Atlantic Ocean. On Jul 3 1608, he arrived in Quebec City and decided to colonize the city. Then, he joined the exploration of Canada. In 1620, he came brace to France and changed some rules of government. He was a new governor of France.

2. What is his relationship with Canada? Why is he important to Canada?

He was an explorer for Canada. He dedicated for Canada. In 1603, he arrived in Canada. He did the fur trade with Canadian and tried to explored the Canada. In the trip, he drew the map of Saint Lawrence River. It was difficult for an European. He made the communication with Canadian. He transported the cultures of Canadian. He developed the economic of Canada. He let Canadian made the trade first trade and knew the importance of the trade. He protected Canada and he colonized some places of Canada.

3. When did he explore? What was happening during history at this time?

on mar 15 1603, he explored first time. He followed a team arrived in Canada. It was the first experience of exploration. He drew a map for Saint Lawrence River. It was creative. He made communication with Canadian. On Sep 20 the same year, he came back to France and wrote an Essay named Des savages that was about his experience in Canada. He did some martial activities about colony in Canada.

4. Where did he explore? Find a map to help you answer this question. Post the map here and then explain.

He went to Canada and made the fur trade with Canadians. Samuel De Champlain was from France and arrived in Gulf St. Lawrence in 1603.
He went past Newfound Land. After 4 years, he had been in Quebec of Canada. It was great in that year. He tried to find the New France.

5. Why did he explore? What were his reasons for exploration?

He was not only an explorer, but also a governor. He wanted to build a new government for France. He must find some new places for the new government. He found the New France---Quebec of Canada. He tried to get on well with Indians .He did some explorations with Quebec. He changed the ways of government.

6. How did he explore? What transportation methods did he use?

He was from France in 1603 and after 4 years, he arrived in Canada. It was so fast in that year. He had own ship for the trip of the exploration. He made the ship for the trip. When he arrived in Canada, he made communications with Canadians. He was a famous explorer. He did the fur trade. It was a creative way to explore.
Bonus1. Can you find a statue or a monument of Samuel De Champlain? Post it here and explain in 3-5 sentences.

Samuel De Champlain was a famous explorer, diplomat and so on. He found the "New France" for Canada. He built the new government for France. The picture shows his monument of Samuel De Champlain. He hold a sword and his hat. His clothes and the mantras were special. He was surrounded by the wind. On the bottom of the monument, there are some people. Maybe they are famulus of Samuel De Champlain2



Last September, I started to the study life in SBS. I had 7 subjects. Every subject affects me and gave me some good ideas. In my image, the Canadian Studies gave me the information about Canada. It was the most important knowledge that I need to learn. I will introduce something that I learned.

1. What have you learned since September in Canadian Studies? (Or since you started to take the class)
Canadian Studies is a rich subject. It includes the languages, histories; geography and it improve the ability for us. At the beginning of Canadian Studies, Ms Chan helped us to suit the English studies as possible as we can. It was a wonderful experience. We discussed some topic and played games or had some performances. I liked the way to studying. I think it was really help me to improve the speaking and suit the different way to studying. After 10 days, we studied some information about the geography. We read some stories and materials about the 10 provinces in Canada. We also did many exercises for the information about 10 provinces. We knew situations about Canada. It was good for us. After that, my classmates were divided in different group. We worked with the group members for regions of Canada. Our region is Arctic Region. It is a very special region in Canada. We decided to do a PowerPoint for the region. The PowerPoint showed the location, climate, Native People and the cultures of Arctic Region. On the due class, we introduced it in English and Chinese. We shared the knowledge with different group. We did the concept map for all regions in Canada. On the concept map, I drew some pictures to express the regions' information. It was a creative way to studying. Then, we studied the Native People. We also studied as the same way as the region. Our group collected the information of the Inuit. I made the concept better than before. We learned how to write the expository essay. It is like a hamburger and it includes the introduction、body paragraph1、body paragraph 2、body paragraph 3 and conclusion. At the first time of this term, we had our own bog on the Internet. It was amazing. We put the homework 、essays and the feelings in the bog. We studied the experiences of Columbus and the exploration of John Cabot and Jacques Cartier. I'd like to answer the questions on the Internet. It can improve our speed of typing and suit the studying way of Canada. The most interesting thing is we did the Viking Ship in a group. We made the Viking Ship and painted it. It must be stayed in water more than 10 minutes. Then, we accepted the personal narrative essay. We did the puppet show in a group. We did it by ourselves and showed the performance in a video. We also did the words exercises about the worldly-wise 1 and played the words game. So far, I introduced the Canadian Studies roughly. I hope I will be better in the subject. It is because I really like the subject.

2. What is the most memorable lesson you remember? (If you weren't here, maybe at another school)
In my imagine, the most memorable lesson is the puppet show. I chose the Jacques Cartier's explorations to showing with my group members. We knew the knowledge about Jacques Cartier and drew the character at the same time. It was a different way to study the explorations. We did the background of the show. We did the puppet delicately. It included Jacques Cartier、the Native People、the chief with his two sons. It was good for our imagery and understanding of exploration. When we started to making the video, we found 3 people are too small. In the final, Bo、Candy、Angela and Martin helped us to showing the pose of the character. The puppet show is an interesting subject and it was full of creative.

3. Think about your life as a student here since September. Have you changed? How?
I like the atmosphere in SBS. It is different. I liked the way to studying in SBS. I am not study for credits. I want to be a strong one in the future. Before I came to SBS, my father and mother told me:“ It is a different way for you, we think you will do better. I think I have changed. It is not only in studying way but also the ideas、thoughts and the way to get together with others. I can show myself boldly and seize the chance. I can share my ideas with others. I think my abilities were improved and I learned to made a goal and a plan before I did something even just a little thing. My spoken language and hearing are better. I am confident in myself and I have already plan for the future. It is the most important that I studied in SBS. I learned to work in a group. It is a special way to studying. In China, students must think about something independently. I like work together and we get on well with each other. Sometimes, I "look after" my feeling and the experiences after one activity. The harvest is far more than these. All of these are my gift from SBS. I like the school and teachers. I always believe they can help me to come true my dreams. Thank you my dear Scan.

4. What is your goal for yourself by June? What is your plan to study?
I want to know more than before and now. I want to do better and speak more. I think I should seize more time on studies. I can get more English words. I should try more essays. It is positive. I like writing. Sometimes I am not put a lot effort in my studies. I should do more. If I can not work hard, how can I respect my future will be different? First I should pass the Provincial Exam and get a beautiful mark. I will try to do more essays. I know it is good for me. When I get troubles on studies, I will talk with my teachers. I want to get A on my credits. I know it is difficult, but I still try.

5. What are you most proud of in school since September? Have you done your best?
I am proud of myself. A same questions or problems, I can think more deep than others. My knowledge is rich. I always remember my dreams. I help others as possible as I can. I can understand a thing quickly. My experiences are rich. I am good at playing the piano and some subject. I am proud of my dream. I want to be a diplomat. Sometimes, I have done my best, but the most rest of studies I didn't do my best. It was a bad situation. I want to change it. I think maybe it is difficult; I should not to be afraid.

1. Is there anything else you want to tell me or reflect about?
My dear Ms Chan, thank you your chance to express my experiences and thought in SBS and Canadian Studies. I really like SBS. It is a special experience for me. Sometimes, I want to talk with you. The studies、 the world and anything. I am looking forward to do it.


The Final Essay

Cristine Ya

Exploration can create conflict and misunderstanding

____The exploration is important for a strong country. England was called the "Days Fall Empire" It means: the earth turns a circle, the sun of British will not down. There are so many parts of countries were colonized by British. In the middle of the 18th century, England became the most top countries of Colony. Before that, the government of British colonized Canada, Australia and Hong Kong. There are many stories happened in that time. In fact, according to the histories, in exploration's ways, British have many troubles with Canada, Australia and Hong Kong. No doubt, exploration can create conflict and misunderstanding. The exploration must be transparent, the purpose should be clear and the basic of the exploration is equality for each others.

____People depend on the resources. It is a truth that never changes. The exploration must be transparent. Otherwise it will let people misunderstand the explorers want to capture resources from the country which was explored. Canada is a country which is full of the different kinds of resources. In the past, there were only small amounts of native people live there. At the same time, England had already become a strong country. Although England was a rich country, the king of British told the explorers of England to explore and carry out a transaction. They chose the wrong way that is exploration is secretly. In fact, when they arrived in Canada and explored some lands. The Native People misunderstand them and thought they wanted to capture the rich resources of Canada. The Native People was not friendly like before. They tried to chase the British away. The exploration is not transparent. It will course consider. The problem is serious. The real exploration must be a correct way.

____The purpose of the exploration must be clear. If the purpose is not very well. The exploration will have a conflict. In 18th century, British government sent a part of people to Australia. They lived in there and explored. At the beginning, the British government helped them to build the new house and find a way to live. After several years, the government didn't help them. They lived there alone. The Native People in Australia noticed the problems; they thought British were doing something for immigration activity. They thought British will control them. The Native People fight with the British for their lands. The way of exploration is important for a country. British should make a communication with the Native People. They must have a clear purpose. It will not course a conflict.

____The most terrible thing is the war in the world. If the two countries have many differences, sometimes, the exploration will create a war and the misunderstanding. It was a kind of the conflict for both of the countries. There is 8 countries explored China. After the first opium war, British government explored Hong Kong and wanted to get the emporiums of Hong Kong. They built the Concession. The Qing Dynasty Government can't accept their colony. They thought it was not a way to exploration. It was a way to colony. They got ready to against with the British. The war started. The wrong way to exploration coursed the conflict and the misunderstanding. The exploration must establish on the basis of equality for each other.

____The way of exploration must be transparent clear and the basis is equality. There are many stories are about the exploration. England explored Canada, Australia and Hong Kong. The exploration can create conflict and misunderstanding. The most incredible is that coursed a war. England is a great country which is good at the exploration. In the world, there is no other countries have the same feat about exploration. The real lands of England were so small. British use the exploration to develop the country.


The Essay Plan

Topic: Exploration can create conflict and misunderstanding

Thesis Sentence: In fact, according to the histories, in exploration's ways, British have many troubles with Canada, Australia and Hong Kong. No doubt, exploration can create conflict and misunderstanding. The exploration must be transparent, the purpose should be clear and the basic of the exploration is equality for each others.

Introduction: The background of British exploration. The British government explored Canada, Australia and Hong Kong. The 3 wrong way of exploration about England coursed the conflict and the misunderstanding about this exploration

Body Paragraph 1
Topic Sentence: people depend on the resources. It is a truth that never changes. The exploration must be transparent. Otherwise it will let people misunderstand the explorers want to capture resources from the country which was explored.

Body: The explorers from England explored Canada secretly. The Native People thought they tried to transport the resources. The Native People misunderstand them.

Concluding Sentence: The exploration is not transparent. It will course the misunderstanding. The problem is serious. The real exploration must be a correct way.

Body Paragraph 2
Topic Sentence: The purpose of the exploration must be clear. If the purpose is not very well. The exploration will have a conflict.

Body: British government sent people to Australia to explore. They didn't help them again. The Native People in Australia misunderstand them and thought they wanted to colony.

Concluding Sentence: The way of exploration is important for a country. British should made a communication with the Native People. They must have a clear purpose. It will not course a conflict.

Body Paragraph 3
Topic Sentence: The most terrible thing is the war in the world. If the two countries have many differences, sometimes, the exploration will create a war and the misunderstanding. It was a kind of the conflict for both of the countries. The basic is equality for exploration.

Body: British explored Hong Kong and colonized Hong Kong. The Qing dynasty can not accept the way to exploration. The war between them started.

Concluding Sentence: The wrong way to exploration coursed the conflict and the misunderstanding. The exploration must establish on the basis of equality for each other.

Conclusion: There are many stories are about the exploration. England explored Canada, Australia and Hong Kong. The exploration can create conflict and misunderstanding. The most incredible is that coursed a war. British is a great country which is good at the exploration. In the world, there is no other countries have the same feat about exploration. The real lands of England were so small. British use the exploration to develop the country.

Restatement of Thesis: The way of exploration must be transparent clear and the basis is equality. There are many stories are about the exploration. England explored Canada, Australia and Hong Kong. The exploration can create conflict and misunderstanding. The most incredible is that coursed a war. England is a great country which is good at the exploration.