

Finding three different pictures to show how exploration is important for countries?

A country's government send an explorer to another place.It is important for this country.Exploration can help countries colonialism.There are many countries was found by explorers and colonized by the colonises' countries.The pictures:If a country use the explores to finding a place .The exploration will influence not only the colonial country but also the country which was colonized country.

Exploration will influence the countries which was colonized country.The system of the country will be change.The country was a closed country before.The explores will introduce the cultures and histories of the country to the world.It can develop the country.People will get more information .Exploration will help the country improve the quality of life.

The picture shows a ship with strong sails.It represent the explores find a place and help the place develop the economy.The ship is full of the speciality of the country.Explores help transport the cargo everywhere.People in the world know the information of that place .Exploration can help the place improve the development of the economy.

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